During her undergraduate studies, Nele did not only develop a strong interest in health psychology, but also in contextual factors which impede and enhance the biopsychosocial well-being of minority groups. Therefore, Nele chose to investigate social marginalization, identity formation and mental health implications of refugees who forcibly returned to Malta under the Dublin Regulations. During her masters in health psychology Nele studied intervention design, implementation and evaluation based on behavioural change theories. Currently, Nele is a PhD candidates on the GC_1000 project. GC_1000 combines both, Nele’s desire to improve the physical and psychosocial well-being of marginalized groups, and her interest in innovative, patient-centered models of health care. The focus of work package 2 lead by the LUMC is to research contextual factors that impact implementability, sustainability and reach. Based on WP2 findings, adaptations and implementation strategies are developed.